Club President Andrew Franklin and his wife Gloria have presented a cheque to the club's junior section to purchase salvers and an annual award to the most improved boy and girl player in the club. This is in loving memory of their son Steve who tragically lost his life on the M4 last year. The photo shows Andrew and Steve's former partner Ana handing the cheque to Andrea Costello and Chris Davis representing the junior section of the club (club Chairman Roger King looks on). The presentation was made in front of the Steve Franklin memorial garden at the club (also shown here).
The salvers are to be awarded each year to the most improved junior players, in the coaches’ opinion. There is one for girls and one for boys. The winner will have the salver to keep for a year, with a smaller version to have permanently. Both will have the winner’s name engraved, with the year. The coaches are happy that this new award complements existing competitions and provides recognition for any junior who tries really hard to improve his/her game, regardless of the level achieved. The family believe this is what Steve would want.